City Scholars Applied Studies
Thank you for supervising a City Scholars Applied Study. We appreciate the time and consideration you are taking to support student success through this opportunity.
consideration you are taking to support student success through this opportunity.
The Applied Studies program allows for students to earn course credit by combining academic research and real-world work or volunteer experience to create their own custom course. The courses have multiple partners involved and is led by an Applied Studies Instructor. The course weighting is split 40/60 with 40% of the grade coming from the Applied Studies instructor based on the students’ learning objectives, reflection assignments, articulation at a monitor visit, and an employer evaluation. 60% of the grade comes through academic deliverables that are determined between the student and you (the Academic Supervisor) in your area of expertise. You will also determine the course level (2000-4000) and provide a grade for the deliverables. All grades are submitted to the Applied Studies Instructor at the end of the semester to submit for the entire course.
City Scholars is intensive, with high expectations that academic knowledge will be thoroughly integrated into the work being completed at the City of Lethbridge. To account for this high-level of academically aligned work at the City of Lethbridge, we recommend including workplace deliverables in the academic deliverables or closely aligning the academic deliverables to the work.
Follow these steps to support an Applied Studies course:
Click here for a Determination of Ethics EXAMPLE
*City Scholars recognizes Articles 1 and 11 of the ULFA Academic Staff Collective Agreement (2020) that protects the University of Lethbridge faculty’s academic freedom. Therefore, this document only provides recommendations and suggestions for the academic components of the City Scholars Applied Study.
*Please contact the Prentice Institute if you have questions or need assistance during your supervision of the Applied Study:
Dr. Andrea Cuéllar - Associate Director, Prentice Institute for Global Population and Economy
Email: [email protected] Phone: (403) 380-1814