The Interactive Health Data Application (IHDA) contains many health statistics (indicators) on a variety of health-related topics such as demographics, mortality, chronic and infectious disease, and children's health.
Manitoba Health’s Annual Statistics report is designed for a broad audience that includes health professionals, researchers, policymakers and the general public.
Local-level health data highlights community strengths and areas for improvement. This data is important for planning policies and programs that respond to a community''s needs.
The Ministry of Health has overall responsibility for ensuring that quality, appropriate, cost effective and timely health services are available for all British Columbians.
The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) provides comparable and actionable data and information that are used to accelerate improvements in health care, health system performance and population health across Canada.
The Canadian Statistical Geospatial Explorer empowers users to discover Statistics Canada's geo‑enabled data down to the smallest level of detail available, the dissemination area.
The Canadian Sustainability Planning Inventory is a searchable database of sustainability plans and affiliated documents collected from all 13 Canadian provinces and territories.
FNIGC Data Online is an interactive tool that allows users to create charts, figures and tables from The First Nations Information Governance Centre’s national data repository.
Data and trends to help plan health strategies and services, including information on infectious and chronic diseases, mortality, morbidity and injuries.
IMISCOE is the largest European network of scholars in the area of migration and integration. The Migration Research Hub collects research on migration and organizes it to be easily searchable and shareable,
The NPHS collects information related to the health of the Canadian population and related socio-demographic information. It is composed of three components: the Household, the Health Institutions and the North components.
NL Health Services is the provincial health authority, transitioning from five former organizations, including the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information.
National accounts; Balance sheets; National balance sheets; Production indexes; Employment; Unemployment; Salaries and wages; Earnings; Consumer Price Index; Government finance; Stock markets; Balance of payments; Foreign investments; Foreign debt; Exchange rates; Population