The Prentice Institute Work Integrated Learning (WIL) program started in 2022, it has incorporated, from the start, features around access, equitability, quality, and dissemination pertaining to the experiential opportunities that it facilitates.
Jointly with the City of Lethbridge, the Prentice Institute (PI) has established a process specific to the WIL opportunities offered:
The City designs a detailed work plan for each student or cohort working on the same project, outlining expectations, goals and deliverables throughout the semester.
A meeting between City staff (work supervisors) and faculty (academic supervisors) initiates collaboration with the goal of producing coherent and complementary work and academic plans.
All work plans must include at least one relevant training module for students to complete (e.g., GBA+ by the Government of Canada).
The City offers an onboarding session and materials to all students. Both City and PI request students to sign confidentiality agreements.
All students who plan to conduct interviews, community engagement, or work in any manner with human subjects must submit a Request for Determination of Ethics Review.
At the initial project meeting the roles, responsibilities and expectations for City and Institute staff, and students are clarified.
Midterm project presentations are given to City staff where each project's progress is presented and where students gather feedback and insights from an array of City staff and committee members.
The PI provides a poster design and presentation training session and materials for students to prepare academic-format project posters to be presented at a public event at the end of the academic year.
The PI and the City organize a public event to showcase the projects completed by students.
The PI distributes anonymous online assessment questionnaires as part of the program evaluation process.
Payment of an award to students at the end of the semester helps cover the cost of course registration plus incidental expenses.